Dev Majumdar, PhD

Dev Majumdar, PhD

Assistant Professor
Division of Surgical Research
Cancer Center Member

Contact Information
Office Location:
University of Vermont, 89 Beaumont Avenue, D311 Given Bldg, Burlington, VT 05405


PhD, University of California, Los Angeles (2009), Lab of Shimon Weiss (Single Molecule Biophysics)
BS, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (2004), Lab of Amy Keating (Protein Design)

Postdoctoral Training

Research Scientist, Mitchell Guttman Lab, California Institute of Technology, (2018-2019) (RNA Methods & Nanobody Development)
Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, David Baltimore Lab, California Institute of Technology, (2011-2018) (Immunology and RNA Splicing)

Academic Appointments

Assistant Professor, Department of Surgery, Larner College of Medicine, University of Vermont, Burlington, VT (2019-Present)

Awards and Honors

B-1 Cell Dev & Function World Conference Award (2014)
Caltech Departmental Biology Fellowship (2013-2014)
UCLA Dissertation Year Fellowship (2009)


Majumdar, DS*, Frankiw, L*, Burns, C, Baltimore, D. (2018) Bud13 Promotes a Type I Interferon Response By Countering Intron Retention In Irf7 [accepted - Molecular Cell, * = equal contribution], 10.1101/443820

Majumdar, DS, Frankiw, L, Burns, C, Baltimore, D. (2018) Programmed Delayed Splicing: A Mechanism for Timed Inflammatory Gene Expression [in revision -Elife], 10.1101/443796 has posted on bioRxiv:

Kaplan, M., Yoo, B.K., Tang, J., Karam, T. E., Liao, B., Majumdar, D.,... & Zewail, A. H. (2017). Photon-Induced Near-Field Electron Microscopy of Eukaryotic Cells. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 56(38), 11498-11501.

Ramakrishnan, P., Yui, M. A., Tomalka, J. A., Majumdar D., Parameswaran, R., & Baltimore, D. (2016). Deficiency of NF-kappaB c-Rel Accerlerates the Development of Autoimmune Diabetes in Non-Obese Diabetic Mice. Diabetes, db151607. 

Mehta, A., Mann, M., Zhao, J. L., Marinov, G. K., Majumdar, D., Gracia-Flores, Y.,... & Baltimore, D. (2015). The microRNA-212/132 cluster regulates B cell development by targeting Sox4. Journal of Experimental Medicine, 212(10), 1679-1692

Kim SH, Streets AM, Lin RR, Quake SR, Weiss S, and Majumdar DS. "High-throughput single-molecule optofluidic analysis" Nature Methods (2011) 8(3):242-245

Kapanidis A, Majumdar DS, Heilemann M, Nir E, and Weiss S. "Alternating Laser Excitation for Solution-based Single-molecule FRET" (book chapter) Imaging (CSHL Press, 2011)

Majumdar DS, Smirnova I, Kasho V, Nir E, Kong X, Weiss S, and Kaback HR. "Single-molecule FRET reveals sugar-induced conformational dynamics in LacY." Proceedings of the National Academy of Science (2007) 104:12640-12645

Knauer DJ, Majumdar DS, Fong PC, Knauer MF. "SERPIN Regulation of Factor Xla."The novel observation that protease nexin 1 in the presence of heparin is a more potent inhibitor of factor Xla than C1 inhibitor," J. Biol. Chem. (2000) 275:37340-37346