Jennifer Todd, M.D.

Jennifer Todd, M.D.

Assistant Professor
Department of Pediatrics

Contact Information
Office Location:
The University of Vermont Children's Hospital, Shepardson 533, 111 Colchester Ave., Burlington, VT 05401


Fellowship in Medical Humanism and Professionalism, Boston Children’s Hospital’s Institute for Professionalism and Ethical Practice, Boston, MA (2016)

Clinical fellow Endocrinology, Boston Children’s Hospital, Boston, MA (2014

Research fellow Endocrinology, Boston Children’s Hospital, Boston, MA (2012)

Resident Pediatrics, Golisano Children’s Hospital at Strong, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY (2004)

Intern Pediatrics, Golisano Children’s Hospital at Strong, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY (2002)

Academic Appointments

Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, The Robert Larner, M.D. College of Medicine at The University of Vermont, Burlington, VT (2018)

Clinical Appointments

Attending Endocrinologist, Pediatrics, The University of Vermont Children's Hospital, Burlington, VT (2018-present)

Awards and Honors

Selected Member, BCH Academy for Teaching and Educational Innovation and Scholarship (2016)

Clinical Scholar Award, Pediatric Endocrine Society (2014)

Fellow Travel Award, Pediatric Endocrine Society (2013)

Meg Colgan Award, Golisano Children’s Hospital at Strong University of Rochester (2004)


Srinivasan S, Chen L, Todd JN, Divers J, Gidding S, Chernausek S, Gubitosi-Klug RA, Kelsey MM, Shah R, Black MH, Wagenknecht LE, Manning A, Flannick J, Imperatore G, Mercader JM, Dabelea D, Florez JC on behalf of the ProDiGY Consortium. The first genome-wide association study for type 2 diabetes in youth: The Progress in Diabetes Genetics in Youth (ProDiGY) Consortium. Diabetes 2020 Apr;70(4):996-1005

Li, JH, Szczerbinski, L, Dawed AY, Kuar V, Todd JN, Pearson ER, Florez JC. A Polygenic Score for Type 2 Diabetes Risk is Associated with Both the Acute and Sustained Response to Sulfonylureas. Diabetes 2020 Oct 26; db200530

Salem RM*, Todd JN*, Sandholm N*, Cole JB*, et al. Genome-Wide Association Study of Diabetic Kidney Disease Highlights Biology Involved in Glomerular Basement Membrane Collagen. J Am Soc Nephrol 2019 Oct;30(10):2000-2016

CM Astley*, JN Todd*, R Salem, Vendantam S, C Ebbling, Huang PL, DS Ludwig, JN Hirschhorn, and JC Florez. Genetic Evidence That Carbohydrate-Stimulated Insulin Secretion Leads to Obesity. Clin Chem. 2018 Jan;64(1):192-200. *These authors contributed equally.

JN Todd*, EH Dahlström*, RM Salem, N Sandholm, C Forsblom, AJ McKnight, AP Maxwell, E Brennan, D Sadlier, C Godson, PH Groop, JN Hirschhorn, JC Florez. Genetic Evidence for a Causal Role of Obesity in Diabetic Kidney Disease. Diabetes 2015 Dec; 64(12):4238-46. *These authors contributed equally.

GA Walford*, N Colomo*, JN Todd*, LK Billings*, M Fernandez, B Chamarthi, AS Warner, J Davis, KR Littleton, AM Hernandez, RR Fanelli, A Lanier, C Barbato, RJ Ackerman, SQ Khan, R Bui, L Garber, ES Stolerman, AF Moore, C Huang, V Kaur, M Harden, A Taylor, C Guiducci, L Chen, AK Manning, P Huang, D Wexler, RM McCarthy, J Lo, MK Thomas, RW Grant, A Goldfine, MS Hudson, and JC Florez, 2013. The study to understand the genetics of the acute response to metformin and glipizide in humans (SUGARMGH): Design of a pharmacogenetic resource for type 2 diabetes. PLOS One 2015 Mar 26;10(3):e0121553. *These authors contributed equally.

J Todd, B Nichols, M Wilmot, V Lyssenko, I Bo, T Tinamaija, L Groop, J Florez D Friedman, 2013. Variation in Glucose Homeostasis Traits due to P2X7 Polymorphisms in Mice and Humans. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2015 Feb 26:jc20144160.