Monique McHenry

Monique McHenry

Contact Information
Office Location:
Jeffords 111, Burlington, VT


2012  Ph.D.  University of Vermont, Burlington, VT

2005  M.S.  University of Colorado at Boulder

1999  B.A.  University of Colorado at Boulder

Professional Positions

2016-present  Research Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmacology

2013 - present  Instructor, Department of Plant Biology

2015-present  Co-Founder:  PhytoScience Institute, Burlington, VT
                       Co-Founder:  PhytoScience Consulting, Burlington, VT
                       Co-Founder:  Nutraceutical Science Laboratories, Burlington, VT
                       Co-Founder:  National Cannabis Certification Council, Burlington, VT

2013-present  Co-Director:  Fiddlehead Scientific Laboratories, Montpelier, VT

2012-present  Executive Director:  Vermont Patients Alliance Inc., Montpelier, VT

2005-2006  Coordinator Costal Waterbird Program:  Massachusetts Audubon Society, MA

2003-2005  Assistant Curator:  University of Colorado Museum (COLO), Boulder, CO

Teaching Experience

2016-present  Medical Marijuana and Cannabis Professional Certificate  (CME)

2016-present  PHRM 200 (first offered as special topics)  Medical Cannabis

2013-present  ENVS 195/PBIO 195  Natural history and conservation of the Galapagos Islands and tropical Andes

2008  PBIO 195  Plants of Oaxaca

2006-2012  Teaching Fellow for:
                    BCOR 101  Genetics
                    PBIO 108    Plant Morphology and Evolution
                    PBIO 109    Plant Sytematics
                    PBIO 004    The Green World


Plant research:  Cannabis horticultural and medical research V.S.A. Title 18 Chapter 86 (2012-present)
                          Botanical documentation and collection in Ecuador (2010-present)
                          Botanical collection in Bolivia (2010)
                          Botanical collection in Mexico (2008)
                          Botanical collection in Costa Rica (2008, 2007)
                          Morphological & molecular research in the evolution of the fern genus Polystichum  
                            in Latin America (2006-present)
                          Creation of a dichotomous and interactive field key to the 30 most prominent vascular
                            plant families in tropical America (2006-present)

Awards and Honors

2011  Edgar T. Wherry Award for the Best Contributed Paper presented in the Pteridological Section of the Botanical Society of American at the Annual Meeting, St. Louis, MO


2010  "Using herbarium specimens to redefine species boundaries:  a case study of the fern genus Polystichum in the Andes", Symposium of the Botanical Society of America and the American Fern Society on "Leveraging the use of herbarium collections in modern systematics", Botany 2010 meetings, Providence, RI

2014  13th Smithsonian Biotanical Symposium, Smithsonian Washington, D.C.,"Do habitat shifts lead to an increase in diversification rates in the Dryopteridaceae?"

2015  "Do habitat shifts lead to an increase in diversification rates in the Dryopteridaceae?, 13th Smithsoian Biotanical Symposium "Next Generation Pteridology:  An international conference on Lycophyte & Fern research", Washington, D.C.

2016  Vermont Association of Naturopathic Physicians Conference, Montpelier, VT  "Medical Marijuana"


2017  Lyons B, McHenry MA, Barrington DS.  Insights into evolution in Andean Polystichum (Dryopteridaceae) from expanded understanding of the cytosolic phosphoglucose isomerase gene.  Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 112:  36-46.

2016  Moreo RE, Conack JP, McHenry MA, Barrington DS.  Typification and synomymy of Polystichum (Dryopteridaceae) in Brazil and Argentina.  Atca Botanica Brasilica.    Phyotokeys (65):  91-105.  doi:  10.3897/phytokeys.65.8620.  PMCID:  PMC4957024

2014  McHenry MA, Barrington DS.  Phylogeny and biogeography of extindusiate Andean Polystichum (Dryopteridaceae).  American Journal of Botany (101):  365-375

2013  Condack JP, McHenry MA, Morero RE, Silvestre L, Barrington DS.  Polystichum montevedense demystified:  molecular and morphologic data reveal a cohesive, widespread South American species.  American Fern Journal (103):  118-130

2013  McHenry MA, Sundue MA, Barrington DS.  The fern genus Adenoderris (family insertis sedis) is artificial.  Taxon (62):  1153-1160

2010  McHenry MA, Ranker TA.  Ferns and Lyophytes of the Southern Rocky Mountain Region Online Interactive Key.   Posted at


Botanical Society of America

American Fern Society

American Society of Plant Taxonomists