2012-Present: Professor of Paediatric Neuroscience; UCL Institute of Child Health, London, UK
2013 – Present: Professor and Vice-Chair (Research), University of Vermont College of Medicine
Relationship between epilepsy and cognitive impairment
Brain injury and status epilepticus
Role of functional connectivity in epilepsy and cognition
1987 Winner of Prankard-Jones Scholarship Project: Availability and distribution of drugs within Zimbabwe University of Zimbabwe
2000 Gowers' Prize - Runner up Essay: Mesial Temporal Sclerosis - Does Antecedent Matter? International League Against Epilepsy
2002 Ronnie MacKeith Prize awarded for outstanding research by a young investigator British Paediatric Neurology Association
2003 The Céline Newman Anglo-French Award for the best paper primarily written by an applicant aged 27 to 38 on a subject related to human epilepsy published during 2001 - 2002 in a peer reviewed medical/scientific journal. Fund for Epilepsy
2007 3rd Butler invited Lectureship University of Alberta
2008 Visiting Scientist Dartmouth Medical School, USA (March to September)
2009 Inaugural Murray Bornstein Fellow Dartmouth Medical School, USA (July to September)
2002: Certification in Paediatric Neurology and Child Health (Royal College of Paediatric s and Child Health)
2002-Present: Consultant Paediatric Epileptologist, Great Ormond Street Hospital, London, UK
2013-Present: Child Neurologist, Fletcher Allen Healthcare
1983-1988: MBChB University of Zimbabwe
1995-1999: PhD University of London
Child Neurology
Status epilepticus
2013-present: Medical Licensure, State of Vermont
2010-Present: Member, American Epilepsy Society
2010-Present: Member, International League against Epilepsy
2010-Present: Member, Society for Neuroscience
Richard, G.R., Titiz, A. Tyler, A.L., Holmes, G.L., Scott, R.C., Lenck-Santini P.P. Speed modulation of hippocampal theta frequency correlates with spatial memory performance. Hippocampus (epub ahead of print)
Kleen, J.K., Scott, R.C., Holmes, G.L., Roberts, D.W., Rundle M.M., Testorf, M. Lenck-Santini, P.P. Jobst, B.C. (2013). Hippocampal Interictal Epileptiform Activity Disrupts Cognition in Humans. Neurology: 81(1); 18-24
Martinos MM, Yoong M, de-Hann M, Scott RC. (2013). The effects of convulsive status epilepticus on early development; a prospective cohort study. Epilepsia; 54(6);1012-9
Hernan AE, Holmes GL, Isaev D, Scott RC, Isaeva E. (2012). Altered short-term plasticity in the prefrontal cortex after early life seizures. Neurobiol Dis; 50(2):120-126.
Bender AC, Natola H, Holmes GL, Scott RC, Lenck-Santini PP. (2013). Focal Scn1a knockdown induces cognitive impairment without seizures Neurobiol Dis; [Epub ahead of print]
Martinos MM, Yoong M, Scott RC, de-Haan M. (2012) Evidence for impaired recognition memory following prolonged febrile seizures. Brain; 135(10):3153-64.
Tyler AL, Mahoney JM, Richard GR, Holmes GL, Lenck-Santini PP, Scott RC (2012). Functional network changes in hippocampal CA1 after status epilepticus predict spatial memory deficits in rats. J Neurosci; 32(33):11365-76.
Duffy B, Choy M, Riegler J, Wells JA, Scott RC, Lythgoe MF (2012). Imaging Seizure-Induced Inflammation using an Antibody Targeted Iron Oxide Contrast Agent. Neuroimage; 60(2):1149-55
Kleen, J. K., Wu, E. X., Holmes, G. L., Scott, R. C., Lenck-Santini, P. P. (2011). Enhanced oscillatory activity in the hippocampal-prefrontal network is related to short-term memory function after early-life seizures. Journal of Neuroscience 31(43), 15397-15406
Lucas, M. M., Lenck-Santini, P. P., Holmes, G. L., Scott, R. C. (2011). Impaired cognition in rats with cortical dysplasia: additional impact of early-life seizures. Brain 134(6), 1684-1693
Pujar, S. S., Neville, B. G., Scott, R. C., Chin, R. F., North London Epilepsy Research Network, (2011). Death within 8 years after childhood convulsive status epilepticus: a population-based study. Brain; 134(10): 2819-2827
Kleen, J. K., Scott, R. C., Holmes, G. L., Lenck-Santini, P. P. (2010). Hippocampal Interictal Spikes Disrupt Cognition in Rats. Annals of Neurology; 67(2): 250-257
Chin, R. F. M., Neville, B. G. R., Scott, R. C. (2009). Treatment of community-onset childhood convulsive status epilepticus Authors' reply. Lancet Neurology; 8(2): 134-135
Chin, R. F., Neville, B. G. R., Bedford, H., Wade, A., Scott, R. C. (2006). Incidence, cause, and short-term outcome of convulsive status epilepticus in childhood: prospective population-based study. Lancet; 368(9531): 222-229
Raspall-Chaure, M., Chin, R. F., Neville, B. G., Scott, R. C. (2006). Outcome of paediatric convulsive status epilepticus: a systematic review. Lancet Neurology; 5(9): 769-779
BUPA Foundation: Scott RC (Co-PI), Chin RF (Co-PI), Clark C, Neville BG, Chong WK, Gillberg C. The medium term outcomes of convulsive status epilepticus in children – follow up of the NLSTEPSS cohort, £189,000: 2010-2013
Great Ormond Street Hospital Children’s Charity: Scott RC. Research Leadership Award. £130,429; 2009-2010
Great Ormond Street Hospital Children’s Charity: Scott RC. Research Leadership Award. £391,287; 2010-2013
National Institutes of Health: Scott RC (PI), Holmes GL, Lenck-Santini PP, Gimi B. Mechanisms after cognitive deficits after seizures in rats with brain malformations. $1,728,125; 2011-2016
National Institutes of Health: Holmes GL (PI), Scott RC, Lenck-Santini PP, Isaev D, Khazipov R. Mechanisms of cognitive impairment following early life seizures. $1,728,125.00; 2011-2016
National Institutes of Health: Holmes GL (PI), Scott RC, Lenck-Santini PP, Jobst BC, Roberts DW. Mechanisms of cognitive impairment in temporal lobe epilepsy. $1,728,125.00; 2011-2016
National Institutes of Health: Holmes GL (Co-PI), Baram TZ (Co-PI), Scott RC, Lenck-Santini PP, Choy M, Dube C, Obenaus A. Cognitive deficits after experimental febrile seizures- neurobiology and biomarkers. $1,728,125.00; 2011-2016.
CURE Foundation: Galanopoulou A, (PI), Moshe S, Holmes GL, Scott RC, Cloyd J. Novel therapies for infantile spasms; 2012-2016