1975 B.A., Biology, summa cum laudeUniversity of Connecticut
1979 M.D.University of Rochester School of MedicineRochester, New York
Health Promotion - Disease Prevention
Screening Activities in the General Internal Medicine Clinic setting
Resident education and curriculum
Undergraduate medical education and curriculum
Teaching in the ambulatory setting
2004 – present Professor of Medicine, University of Vermont
2002 – present Faculty Member of the Graduate College University of Vermont
1992 – present Associate Professor of Medicine University of Vermont
1992 – present Associate Chairman for Education Department of Medicine
1992 – present Chairman of House Staff Selection Committee Department of Medicine
1992 – 2014: Program Director, Internal Medicine Residency Program Department of Medicine - University of Vermont
1992 – 2002 Chairman of House Staff Evaluation Committee Department of Medicine
1988-1990: Fellow in the Faculty Development Fellowship Program in General InternalMedicine and Pediatrics, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina
2000-2005 NIH Nutrition Academic Award Grant #PHS K07HL04301/1-5 Member of Education Team (10%)Goal: Development of comprehensive nutrition education program that can be fully integrated into the curricula
1999-2001 Partnerships for Quality Education, R.W. Johnson Foundation & Pew Charitable Trust Grant #5-26612 Principal InvestigatorGoal: Development of an integrated ambulatory general internal medicine and managed care curriculum in Internal Medicine Residency.
1995-1998 Interdisciplinary Generalist Curriculum Grant #HRSA-BHPR-240-93-0010Co-principal Investigator and Project DirectorGoal: Creation and implementation of an interdisciplinary generalist curriculum in the first 2 years of medical school.
1990-1992 Geisinger Clinic Protocol #89C-180 - Patient Acceptance of Flexible Sigmoidoscopy as a Screening Maneuver for Colorectal Carcinoma
1989-1991 Geisinger Clinic Protocol #88-134 - Teaching Dietary Management of Hypercholesterolemic Patients to Residents: A Multi-center Randomized Trial
2014 Finalist, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Health Policy Fellowship Progra
2010 E.L. Amidon Award for Teaching Excellence, University of Vermont, Department of Medicine
2003 Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Society
2003 University of Vermont, College of Medicine, Clinical Teacher of the Year Award
1999 Association of Program Directors in Internal Medicine Recognition Award for Spring Abstract Submission
1997 E.L. Amidon Award for Teaching Excellence, University of Vermont, Department of Medicine
1997 Innovations and Research in Primary Care XI, Research Forum Award
1992 American College of Physicians Fellowship
1990, 1994, 1998 American Medical Association Physician Recognition Award
1975 B.A. in Biology, summa cum laude with honors
1974 Phi Beta Kappa
1974 Phi Kappa Phi
Rogers LQ, Bailey JE, Gutin B, Johnson KC, Levine MA, Milan F, Seelig CB, Sherman SE. Teaching resident physicians to provide exercise counseling: a needs assessment. Academic Medicine 2002;77:841-844.
Sobel BE, Levine MA. Medical Education, Evidence-Based Medicine, and the Disqualification of Physician-Scientists. Exp. Biol. Med. 2001;226:713-716.
Muller JM, Shore WB, Martin PM, Levine M, Harvey H, Kelly P, McCarty S, Szarek J, Veitia M. What did we learn about interdisciplinary collaboration at institutions? Academic Medicine 2001;76(4 suppl):S55-S60.
Fogarty J, First LR, Levine M, Reardon M, Magrane D. The Interdisciplinary Generalist Curriculum Project at the University of Vermont College of Medicine: The Vermont Generalist Curriculum (VGC) Experience. Academic Medicine 2001;76(4 suppl):S127-S130.
Resident and Faculty Attitudes Regarding Supervision in the Ambulatory General Internal Medicine Setting. Submitted.
To view more of Dr. Levine's publications, please visit PubMed.
Ongoing Research Support
UVM Medical Group Education and Teaching Research Award
Development of a High Value Cost Conscious Care Experience for Residents and Fellows
Goal: To engage multidisciplinary resident teams in mentored quality improvement and patient safety projects that focus on the delivery of high value care
Role: Co-Principal Investigator Amount: $ 25,000.00 Period: 2014-2015
Completed Research Support
ABIM F. Daniel Duffy Small Grant Program
Improving the Quality of Comprehensive Health Care of Elderly Patients in the Residency Continuity Clinic Setting
Role: PI Period: 2007-2009
American Board of Internal Medicine
Resident-Faculty Practicum in Practice-Based Learning and Improvement and System-Based Practice.
Role: PI Period: 2004–2006