Polly Parsons, M.D.

Polly Parsons, M.D.

Professor of Medicine, Pulmonary Medicine
Department of Medicine

Contact Information
E-mail: Polly.Parsons@uvmhealth.org
Office Location:
Fletcher 311, 111 Colchester Ave, Burlington, VT 05401

Postdoctoral Training

1978 - 1979 Intern, Internal Medicine University of Colorado Medical Center

1979 - 1981 Resident, Internal MedicineUniversity of Colorado Medical Center

1981 - 1982 Research Fellow National Jewish Hospital and Research Center

1982 - 1985 Fellow, Pulmonary Medicine University of Colorado Health Sciences Center


1971 - 1975  Radcliffe College, Harvard UniversityA.B., Biology (Magna cum laude)

1975 - 1978  University of Arizona M.D., College of Medicine

Academic Appointments

1985 - 1986  Instructor, Department of MedicineUniversity of Colorado Health Sciences Center

1986 - 1992  Assistant Professor, Department of MedicineUniversity of Colorado Health Sciences Center

1992 - 1999  Associate Professor, Department of MedicineUniversity of Colorado Health Sciences Center

1999-2000  Professor, Department of Medicine University of Colorado Health Sciences Center

2000-present  Professor, Department of Medicine University of Vermont

Awards and Honors

2004 President, Association of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine Program Directors

2004 Chair, FDA Pulmonary-Allergy Drugs Advisory Committee

2006  American Thoracic Society Elizabeth A. Rich Award Recipient

2011-2015  NIH NHLBI Scientific Advisory Council Member

2013  American Thoracic Society Distinguished Achievement Award

2017  ATS Assembly on Critical Care 9th Annual Lifetime Achievement Award

2018 President, American Thoracic Society

2018  Parker B. Francis Foundation: Scientific Director, Fellowship Program

2018 Patriotic Employer Recognition from Office of the Secretary of Defense

2021 Edward Livingston Trudeau Medal

2021 Master, American College of Physicians


Coleman DL, Wardrop RM, Zeidel ML, Parsons PE.  Strategies for Developing and Recognizing Faculty Working in Quality Improvement and Patient Safety. Academic Medicine Academic Medicine 92:52-57, 2017 (epub May 17, 2016)  PMID 27191838

Ubags ND, Stapleton RD, Vernooy JH, Burg E, Bement J, Hayes CM, Zabeau L, Tavernier J, Wargo MJ, Littenberg B, Poynter ME, Wouters EF, Parsons PE, Dixon AE, Suratt BT; NHLBI Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Network.  Hyperleptinemia is associated with impaired pulmonary host defense.  JCI Insight 1:282101, 2016.  PMID 27347561

Limay AP, Stapleton RD, PengL, Gunn SR, Kimball LE, Hyzy R, Exline MC, Files DC, Morris PE, Frankel SK, Mikkelsen ME, Hite D, Enfield KB, Steingrub J, O'Brien J, Parsons PE, Cuschieri J, Wunderink RG, Hotchkin DL, Chen YQ, Rubenfeld GD, Boeckh M.  Effect of ganciclovir on IL-6 levels among cytomegalovirus-seropositive adults with critical illness: A randomized clinical trial.  JAMA 318:731-740, 2017.  PMID 2882987

Engelgau MM, Narayan KMV, Ezzati M, Salicrup LA, Belis D., Aron LY, Beaglehole R, Beaudet A, Briss PA, Chambers DA, Devaux M, Fiscella K, Gottlieb M, Hakkinen U, Henderson R, Hennis AJ, Hochman JS, Jan S, Koroshetz WJ, Mackenbach JP, Marmot MG, Martikainen P, McClellan M, Meyers D, Parsons PE, Rehnberg C, Sanghavi D, Sidney S, Siega-Riz A, Straus S, Woolf SH, Constant S, Creazzo TL, deJesus JM, Gavini N, Lerner NB, Mishoi HO, Nelson C, Peprah E, Punturieri A, Ucheckukwu S, Tracy RL, Mensah GA.  Implementation research to address the United States health disadvantage:  Report of a National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Workshop;  Global Health (in press)

Calfee CS, Delucchi K, Parsons PE, Thompson BT, Ware LB, Matthay MA and the NHLBI ARDS Network.  Latent class analysis of ARDS subphenotypes:  Analysis of data from two randomized controlled trials.  Lancet Respiratory Medicine 2:611-20, 2014 (Epub 2014 May 19).  PMID:24853585

To view more of Dr. Parsons' publications, please visit PubMed.