Jason Bates, Ph.D.

Jason Bates, Ph.D.

Professor of Medicine, Pulmonary Medicine
Department of Medicine

Contact Information
E-mail: Jason.H.Bates@uvm.edu
Office Location:
Medicine, OOS FL


1978: B.Sc. (First-class Honours) PHYSICS, Canterbury University, Christchurch, New Zealand, 1978.

1981: Ph.D. MEDICINE, Otago University, Dunedin, New Zealand

1994: D.Sc. Canterbury University, Christchurch, New Zealand

Postdoctoral Training

1981 - 1982: Post-doctoral Fellow (funded by the Medical Research Council of New Zealand), Department of Medicine, Christchurch Clinical School of Medicine, Christchurch, New Zealand. Supervisor: Prof. D.W. Beaven

1982 - 1983: Scientific Officer, Department of Medicine, Christchurch Clinical School of Medicine, Christchurch, New Zealand.

1983 - 1986: Research Fellow, Meakins-Christie Laboratories, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Supervisor: Prof. J. Milic-Emili.

Academic Appointments

1986 - 1991:  Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

1986 - 1999:  Research Director, Meakins-Christie Laboratories, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

1986 - 1988:  Associate Member, Biomedical Engineering Unit, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

1986 - 1999:  Medical Scientist, Department of Medicine (Respiratory Division), Royal Victoria Hospital, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

1988 - 1991:  Assistant Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering (joint appointment with Department of Medicine), McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

1988 - 1999:  Member, Division of Experimental Medicine, Department of Medicine, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

1989 - 1999:  Medical Scientist, Montreal Chest Hospital, Montreal Quebec, Canada

1989 - 1999:  Associate Member, Department of Physiology, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

1991 - 1998:  Associate Professor, Departments of Medicine and Biomedical Engineering (joint appointment with tenure), McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

1992 - 1999:  Associate Member, Department of Electrical Engineering, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

1995 - 1998:  Associate Director, Meakins-Christie Laboratories, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

1999:  Professor, Departments Medicine and Biomedical Engineering, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

1999 - 2007:  Research Professor, Departments of Medicine and Molecular Physiology and Biophysics, University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont

1999 - 2011:  Adjunct Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

1999 - Present:  Professor, Departments of Medicine and Molecular Physiology and Biophysics, The University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont

1999 - Present:  Adjunct Professor, Department of Medicine-Royal Victoria Hospital, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

2005 - Present:  Member of the Graduate Faculty, University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont

2007 - Present:  Professor with Tenure, Department of Medicine, University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont

2010 - 2014:  Interim Director, School of Engineering, University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont

2017 - Present:  Professor (secondary appointment), Department of Electrical and Biomedical Engineering, University of Vermont, Burlington VT

Awards and Honors

1975 - 1977: New Zealand University Grants Committee Junior Scholarship

1975 - 1977:  BP(NZ) Ltd. Undergraduate Bursary

1977:  New Zealand University Grants Committee Senior Scholarship

1978 - 1980:  New Zealand University Grants Committee Postgraduate Scholarship. Kidson Scholarship

1981:  New Zealand Medical Research Council Post-Doctoral Fellowship

1983:  Royal Society of New Zealand Young Scientist Award

1986 - 1991:  Canadian Medical Research Council Scholarship

1991 - 1994:  Chercheur Boursier "Senior 1" of the Fonds de la Recherche en Sante du Quebec

1994 - 1997:  Chercheur Boursier "Senior 2" of the Fonds de la Recherche en Sante du Quebec

2002:  Elected Fellow of the American Institute of Medical and Biological Engineering

2004:  Elected Senior Member of Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers

2005, 2006:  Star Reviewer for the Journal of Applied Physiology (one of three selected from 104 Editorial Board members)

2008:  Member of Faculty 1000, Biology

2011:  Christie Lecturer, Meakins-Christie Laboratories, McGill University, Montreal Quebec, Canada

2012: Invited keynote speaker, 40th Hakone Symposium on Respiration, Shiga, Japan

2013: IEEE Green Mountain Section, 2013 Faculty of the Year Award

2015: IEEE Region 1 3A - Technological Innovation (Academic) Award for Outstanding Scientific Contributions in the Development of Innovative Technologies for assessing Lung Function

2016: University Scholar, University of Vermont

2016: Elected Fellow of the Biomedical Engineering Society

2018: Distinguished Research Mentor Award, Department of Medicine, University of Vermont

2018: Research Laureate, Robert Larner, M.D. College of Medicine, University of Vermont

2019: Joseph Rodarte Award, Respiratory Structure & Function Assembly, American Thoracic Society

2020: Solbert Permutt Trailblazer Award, Respiratory Structure & Function Assembly, American Thoracic Society

Editorial Boards

1994 - 2008:  Respiration Physiology

1997 - 2001:  European Respiratory Journal (Associate Editorship)

2002 - 2006:  American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine

2001 - Present:  Journal of Applied Physiology

2001 - Present:  Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing

2009 - 2020: Journal of Applied Physiology (Associate Editorship, Deputy Editor since 2014)

Research Grants

Active Research Support

03/15/2016 – 02/29/2021: Non-allergic late-onset asthma of obesity: pathophysiology and therapy.
NIH/NHLBI R01 HL130847 (PI: Bates/Dixon, Role: PI)

05/01/19 – 04/30/24: Multidisciplinary Training in Lung Biology. NIH/NHMBI T32 HL076122 (PI: Poynter/Irvin, Role: Co-PI)

08/15/2016-07/30/2021: Obese Allergic Asthma and the Impact of Weight Loss on Airway Epithelial Function R01. NIH/NHLBI HL133920 (PI: Poynter/Dixon, Role: Co-Investigator)

09/01/2018 – 08/31/2023: A multi-scale computational model of the extracellular matrix of the lung. NIH/NIBIB U01 HL139466 (PI: Suki/Bates, Role: PI)

9/10/2018 – 06/30/2022: Preserving epithelial barrier integrity in ventilator-induced lung injury.R01 NIH/NHLBI HL142702 ( PI: Bates/Nieman/Gaver, Role: PI)

12/01/2018 – 11/30/2023: Translational research to prevent and control global infectious diseases (Translational Global Infectious Diseases Research Center, TGIR). NIH/NIGMS P20 GM125498 (PI: Kirkpatrick, Role: Co-PI and Core Leader)

Completed Research Support

12/05/06 - 11/30/08:  Mechanisms of adult stem cell remodeling of aged emphysematous lungs. NIH/NHLBI R21 HL087274 (PI: Weiss, Role: Co-Investigator)

01/04/05 - 03/31/09:  Asthma exacerbation; physiology, upper airway and fibrin. NIH/NHLBI R01 HL080258 (PI: Irvin, Role: Co-Applicant)

07/01/05 - 06/30/10:  Translational research in lung biology and disease. NIH/NCRR P20 RR15557 (PI: Irvin, Role: Co-PI and Bioengineering Core leader)

04/01/05 - 03/31/11:  Mechanics of acute lung injury. NIH/NHLBI R01 HL075593 (PI: Bates)

07/01/06 - 06/30/11:  Assessment of lung function in mice. NIH/NHLBI R01 HL67273 (PI: Bates)

08/01/07 - 07/31/11:  Airways hyper-responsiveness: from molecule to organ. NIH/NHLBI R33 HL087788 (PI: Bates)

07/01/10 - 06/30/13:  A multi-scale approach to airway hyperresponsiveness: from molecules to organ. NIH/NHLBI R01 HL103405 (PI: Bates, Role: Co-PI)

08/15/10 - 06/30/15:  Translational research in lung biology and disease. NIH/NCRR P30 RR 031158 (PI: Irvin, Role: Physiological Phenotyping Core leader)

09/17/10 - 08/30/13:  Bioengineering new lungs from cadaveric lung scaffolds. NIH/NHLBI RC4 HL106625 (PI: Weiss, Role: Co-Investigator)

04/01/2004-04/30/2019: Multidisciplinary Training in Lung Biology. NIH/NHLBI T32 HL076122 (PI: Irvin, Role: Co-PI) 

08/01/2014 – 03/31/2019: Personalized mechanical ventilation for the injured lung. NIH/NHLBI R01 HL124052 (PI: Bates, Role:PI)


J.H.T. Bates, M.E. Poynter, C.M. Frodella, U. Peters, A.E. Dixon, and B.T. Suratt. Pathophysiology to Phenotype in the Asthma of Obesity. Annals of the American Thoracic Society. Supplement 5: S395–S398, 2017.

J.H.T. Bates and U. Peters. A Model-Based Approach to Interpreting Multi-Breath Nitrogen Washout Data. Journal of Applied Physiology. 124: 1155-1163, 2018.

J.H.T. Bates and V. Rajendran. Mitigation of Airways Responsiveness by Deep Inflations of the Lung. Journal of Applied Physiology. 124: 1447–1455, 2018.

V. Mori, B.J. Smith, B. Suki, and J.H.T. Bates. Linking Physiological Biomarkers of Ventilator-Induced Lung Injury to a Rich-Get-Richer Mechanism of Injury Progression. Annals of Biomedical Engineering. 47: 638-645, 2019

J.H.T. Bates. The role of airway shunt elastance on the compartmentalization of respiratory system impedance. ASME Journal of Engineering and Science in Medical Diagnostics and Therapy. 2: 011001, 2019.

A complete list of Jason Bates' publications can be found on Google Scholar


"Mechanical Ventilator" J.H.T. Bates, T.F. Schuessler and M. Ahmadi. US Patent #6,082,357. Priority data March 26, 1997

"Breathing Biofeedback Method and System"  P. Bingham and J.H.T. Bates. US Patent #7,618,378 B2. November 17, 2009

"Non-invasive Pulmonary Airway Resistance Measurement System"  J.H.T. Bates, J. Thompson-Figueroa, L.K.A. Lundblad and C.G. Irvin. US Patent Pending.

"Device and method for lung measurement" J.H.T. Bates U.S. Patent application US 20160007882 A1, Filed on January 29, 2013; patent pending (C501)

"Variable ventilation as a diagnostic tool for assessing lung mechanical function." J.H.T. Bates and B.J. Smith. PCT Application W02015127377 A1, Filed on February 23, 2014 (C538).

"Methods and systems for mapping cardiac fibrillation." P.S. Spector and J.H.T. Bates. U.S. Patent 20140200429 A1, Filed on January 16, 2013 (C434).

“Methods for computational modeling to guide intratumoral therapy.” C.M. Kinsey and J.H.T. Bates. U.S. Patent Application No. 62/542,623. Filed: August 8, 2017